Thursday, September 8, 2011

Showroom Pictures

I recently snapped a few (ok, quite a few) pictures of the showroom since we have so many "just great things" here right now! Oh, how we love playing off the name here! It just doesn't get us! Along with the pictures I also took a little panoramic video of the rooms. I didn't think you would want to hear me attempt to narrate what you were viewing so I stayed silent by holding my breath as I turned in a 180 degree circle. After uploading the video I realized it was a bit creepy without any sound so I thought I would put this Mac to it's full potential and add a little music to spice it up. While my 11 year old niece could probably do a better job with both the video and editing, I, for one am quite excited with my new found (extremely amateur) skills. May want to learn how to slow down and not shake or jostle the camera before my next attempt....Enjoy the picture's and video!

Like anything you see in these pictures? Give us a call, text, email, Facebook or even tweet us! And, speaking of Facebook - are you a "fan" of our page? If not, please become one! We are trying to grow our page and our goal is to make it to 300 fans by mid-October. So, "like" us and suggest all your friends, family, neighbors, dog walkers, teachers and even strangers to like us too! We'd appreciate the support!!! And, as a reminder - this shameless begging is coming from Kathryn - not Pat. I am trying to prove my worth and show that all my hard work (haha) on these various social media sites are paying off!!

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